Strona główna : Paść się : G Rozszerzenia plików
G Rozszerzenia plików
Rozszerzenie pliku | Typ pliku |
.G | BRL-CAD Geometry File |
.G2M | GoToMeeting Recording File |
.G3 | CCITT Group 3 Fax Image |
.G3A | Casio Prizm Add-in File |
.G3D | GOM 3D File |
.G3X | RealFlight Content File |
.G41 | Commodore 1541 Disk Image |
.G64 | Genetec Video File |
.G64X | Genetec Video File |
.G721 | G.721 Audio File |
.G723 | G.723 Audio File |
.G726 | G.726 Audio File |
.GA3 | Graphical Analysis 3 Document |
.GADGEPRJ | Gadge It Project |
.GADGET | Windows Gadget |
.GAL | GenePix Array List File |
.GALAXY | Blizzard Galaxy File |
.GALLERY | SMART Notebook Gallery File |
.GALLERYCOLLECTION | SMART Notebook Gallery Collection File |
.GALLERYITEM | SMART Notebook Gallery Item File |
.GAM | Saved Game File |
.GAME | GameSalad Exported Game File |
.GAMEDATA | Sandlot Game Data File |
.GAMEPROJ | GameSalad Project File |
.GAN | GanttProject Project File |
.GAR | GridGain Archive |
.GAU | Flight Simulator Gauge File |
.GB | Game Boy ROM File |
.GB1 | Game Maker Backup File |
.GB2 | Game Maker Backup File |
.GBA | Game Boy Advance ROM |
.GBAP | GLBasic Project File |
.GBAS | GLBasic Source File |
.GBASKIN | Game Boy Advance Controller Skin File |
.GBC | Game Boy Color ROM |
.GBCSKIN | Game Boy Color Controller Skin File |
.GBI | gBurner Project File |
.GBK | GenBank Data File |
.GBL | Gerber Bottom Layer Data File |
.GBLORB | Glulx Blorb Game File |
.GBM | Gameboy Map File |
.GBO | Gerber Bottom Overlay Data File |
.GBP | Gerber Bottom Solder Paste Data File |
.GBPROJ | GarageBand Project |
.GBR | Gameboy Tileset File |
.GBS | GameBoy Sound File |
.GBX | Gerber PCB File |
.GC | GraphClick File |
.GCA | GCA File Archive |
.GCD | Generic CADD Drawing File |
.GCDP | Greeting Card Studio Design Project |
.GCF | Game Cache File |
.GCG | GCG DNA Sequence File |
.GCH | Precompiled Header File |
.GCI | GameCube Save File |
.GCM | GameCube ROM |
.GCODE | G-Code 3D Printer File |
.GCPROJ | Genome Compiler Project |
.GCS | Cineform Studio Video Project |
.GCSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Color File |
.GCT | Ocarina Cheat Code Manager File |
.GCW | Microsoft Mathematics Worksheet |
.GCX | Grapher Graph File |
.GCZ | Compressed GameCube/Wii ROM |
.GDB | GPS Database File |
.GDBTABLE | Geodatabase Table File |
.GDF | GUESS Graph Data Format File |
.GDFMAKERPROJECT | GDF Editor Project File |
.GDG | GDevelop Project File |
.GDG.AUTOSAVE | GDevelop Project Autosave File |
.GDI | Dreamcast Gigabyte Disc Image |
.GDIAGRAMSTYLE | OmniGraffle Diagram Style File |
.GDOC | Google Drive Document |
.GDOCX | Google Drive Document |
.GDR | Symbian OS Font File |
.GDRAW | Google Drive Drawing |
.GDRIVE | Gizmo Virtual Drive File |
.GDS | Graphic Data System File |
.GDT | gretl Datafile |
.GDTB | gretl Binary Datafile |
.GDW | Jaws Unleashed Data File |
.GED | GEDCOM Genealogy Data File |
.GEDATA | Qlucore Data File |
.GEDCOM | GEDCOM Genealogy File |
.GEM | GEM Metafile |
.GEMSPEC | Gem Specification File |
.GEN | ArcView ARC/INFO UnGenerate file |
.GENBANK | GenBank Data File |
.GENERICTEST | Visual Studio Generic Test File |
.GENOME | Cell Lab Design File |
.GEO | TruTops Geometry File |
.GEXF | Graph Exchange XML Format File |
.GF | METAFONT Bitmap File |
.GFAR | Greenfoot Archive |
.GFB | GIFBlast Compressed Image File |
.GFE | Glarysoft Encrypted File |
.GFI | GIFI File |
.GFIE | Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Graphic |
.GFORM | Google Drive Form |
.GFP | GreenForce-Player Protected Media File |
.GFS | Glarysoft Split File |
.GFW | GIF World File |
.GFX | GFx Scaleform File |
.GG | Sega Game Gear ROM |
.GGB | GeoGebra Document |
.GGR | GIMP Gradient File |
.GHB | Lego Ghost Path File |
.GHO | Norton Ghost Backup File |
.GHS | Norton Ghost Image Segment |
.GI | Global Image |
.GID | Windows Help Global Index File |
.GIF | Graphical Interchange Format File |
.GIFV | GIF Video File |
.GIG | Tascam GigaSampler File |
.GIH | GIMP Image Hose File |
.GIM | PlayStation Portable Image File |
.GIN | GEMS Engine Control Unit File |
.GINSPECT_PRJ | GOM Inspect Project File |
.GIO | Nyquist MIDI File |
.GIS | CFS Console Game Installer Settings File |
.GITATTRIBUTES | Git Attributes File |
.GITIGNORE | Git Ignore File |
.GITKEEP | Git Keep File |
.GJD | The 7th Guest Media File |
.GKH | Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Image |
.GKS | Graphics Kernel System File |
.GL | GRASP Animation |
.GLA | Ghoul 2 Animation File |
.GLADE | Glade Project File |
.GLB | Binary GL Transmission Format File |
.GLD | Ground Loop Design Work File |
.GLF | Space Engine Shader File |
.GLIF | Glyph Interchange Format File |
.GLINK | Google Drive External File Shortcut |
.GLKSAVE | Zoom Game Save Package |
.GLM | Ghoul 2 Model File |
.GLO | RoboHelp Glossary File |
.GLOBAL | Global Makefile |
.GLOX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout File |
.GLS | Sothink SWF Easy Shape File |
.GLTF | GL Transmission Format File |
.GLY | Word Glossary File |
.GM | GameMonkey Script |
.GM6 | GameMaker 6 Project File |
.GM81 | Game Maker 8.1 Project File |
.GMA | Garry's Mod Addon File |
.GMAP | Google Drive My Map |
.GMBCK | Game Maker Background Image File |
.GMBL | Logger Lite Document |
.GMC | Game Music Creator Sound File |
.GMD | Game Maker Program Code |
.GME | DexDrive Game Card File |
.GMF | Geology Multi-File |
.GMK | Game Maker Project File |
.GML | GameMaker Language File |
.GMMOD | Game Maker 3D Model File |
.GMMP | WCS Gamut Map Model Profile |
.GMO | GNU Machine Object File |
.GMP | Global Mapper Package File |
.GMRES | GameMaker Resource File |
.GMS | Gesture and Motion Signal File |
.GMSPR | Game Maker Sprite File |
.GMT | rFactor Model File |
.GMV | Gens Game Recording |
.GMW | Global Mapper Workspace File |
.GMX | GameMaker File |
.GMZ | Compressed GameMaker File |
.GNE | Flickr Web Page |
.GNM | Gnumeric Spreadsheet |
.GNO | GenoPro Genealogy Tree File |
.GNP | GenePool Save File |
.GNUMERIC | Gnumeric Spreadsheet |
.GNUTAR | GNU Tar Archive |
.GO | Go Source Code File |
.GOD | Gore Game Data File |
.GOFIN | DRUKI Gofin Form File |
.GOM | GOM Media File |
.GOOMOD | World of Goo Add-on |
.GORM | Gorm Interface Resource File |
.GP3 | Guitar Pro 3 File |
.GP4 | Guitar Pro 4 Tablature |
.GP5 | Guitar Pro 5 Tablature File |
.GPBANK | Guitar Pro Sound Bank File |
.GPD | Generic Printer Description File |
.GPE | GP2X Video Game |
.GPF | GRAVITY Ragnarok Online Patch File |
.GPG | GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring |
.GPI | Gerber Photoplotter Information File |
.GPJ | MULTI IDE Project File |
.GPK | WaveLab Audio Peak File |
.GPN | GlidePlan Map Document |
.GPP | Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data File |
.GPR | GenePix Results File |
.GPRX | Geoxa Project File |
.GPS | GenePix Settings File |
.GPSCAN | GrandPerspective Scan File |
.GPU | GP2X Utility Program |
.GPX | GPS Exchange File |
.GQSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles File |
.GR2 | Granny 3D File |
.GRA | Microsoft Graph File |
.GRADE | GradeStat Document |
.GRADIENTLIBRARY | Painter Gradient Library |
.GRADIENTS | Painter Gradation Library |
.GRAFFLE | OmniGraffle Drawing |
.GRAPHML | GraphML File |
.GRAPHMLZ | Zip Compressed GraphML File |
.GRASP | GRASP Animation |
.GRB | GRIB Meteorological Data File |
.GRD | Photoshop Gradient File |
.GRDB | Gramps Database File |
.GREENFOOT | Greenfoot Project Archive |
.GRF | Transport Tycoon Graphics Resource File |
.GRIB | Gridded Binary File |
.GRIB2 | GRIB2 Meteorological Data File |
.GRIND | Juice Grinder Recipe File |
.GRINDX | Juice Grinder Recipe File |
.GRK | Gradekeeper Class Gradebook File |
.GRL | Windows Update Status File |
.GRN | Granny 3D File |
.GRO | Graphic Object Bitmap |
.GROB | Graphic Object Bitmap File |
.GROOVE | ACID Groove File |
.GROOVY | Groovy Source Code File |
.GROUP | Windows Contacts Group File |
.GROUPPROJ | Delphi Project Group File |
.GROWLREGDICT | Growl Temp File |
.GROWLTICKET | Growl Notification File |
.GRP | Ken Silverman's Build Engine Group File |
.GRR | Gradekeeper Class Roster File |
.GRT | Grapher Template |
.GRV | Office Groove File |
.GRY | Grayscale Image |
.GS | Google Apps Script |
.GS0 | Sega Genesis Emulator Quick Slot 0 Save File |
.GS3 | GameStarter File |
.GSB | Golden Software Boundary File |
.GSBA | Game Save Backup Archive |
.GS-BCK | Genius Scan Backup File |
.GSC | Call of Duty Game Script |
.GSD | Graphtec Vector Graphics File |
.GSF | Game Boy Advance Sound File |
.GSFLIB | Game Boy Advance Song Library |
.GSHEET | Google Drive Spreadsheet |
.GSI | Golden Software Interchange File |
.GSLIDES | Google Drive Presentation |
.GSM | Global System for Mobile Audio File |
.GSP | Geometer's Sketchpad File |
.GSPROJ | GameSalad Windows Project File |
.GSR | Golden Software Reference File |
.GSR2 | Golden Software Reference File |
.GST | MapInfo Geoset File |
.GSTENCIL | OmniGraffle Stencil |
.GSX | Sega Genesis Emulator Saved State File |
.GSZIP | GameSalad Marketplace Asset File |
.GTA | Microsoft Groove Tool Archive |
.GTABLE | Google Drive Fusion Table |
.GTAR | GNU Tar Archive |
.GTEMPLATE | OmniGraffle Template |
.GTHR | Gather Log File |
.GTKRC | GTK+ Theme File |
.GTL | Gerber Top Layer Data File |
.GTM | GPS TrackMaker Data File |
.GTO | Gerber Top Overlay Data File |
.GTP | GNOME Theme Package File |
.GTS | Gerber Top Solder Mask Data File |
.GUI | Dr.Explain Project File |
.GUIDES | xScope Guides File |
.GV | Graphviz DOT File |
.GVDESIGN | Gravit Designer File |
.GVI | Google Video File |
.GVIMRC | GVim Runtime Configuration File |
.GVP | Google Video Pointer |
.GVSP | Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight Project |
.GVY | Groovy Source Code File |
.GWB | Interwrite Presentation File |
.GWD | Gear Watchface Design File |
.GWI | GroupWise Database Shortcut File |
.GWK | GraphiCode PCB Job File |
.GWP | Greetings Workshop Project File |
.GWS | GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File |
.GXC | General CADD Pro Component |
.GXD | General CADD Pro Drawing |
.GXF | General CADD Pro Font File |
.GXH | General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern File |
.GXK | Galaxkey Secured File |
.GXL | Graph Exchange Language File |
.GXM | General CADD Pro Macro File |
.GXT | Grand Theft Auto Text File |
.GYM | Sega Genesis Sound File |
.GZ | Gnu Zipped Archive |
.GZ2 | Misnamed BZ2 File |
.GZA | IZArc BGA Archive File |
.GZI | Unix Gzip File |
.GZIP | Gnu Zipped File |